Saturday, June 14, 2014

a reader

Reading books to RJ is one of my favorite things to do. It's fun to see her love for books grow every month. I'm excited for the times when she can understand the stories, ask questions, and ask me to read "the one where _____ does ____. I love that one!" Reading together is our special time to bond and I hope I will always make time for it with our future children. It's also my wish that she will continue this desire as she grows up in a world full of technology.

Pictured below is a corner of RJ's room (the guest bed corner) that we turned into a little book nook. We could spend hours here if hunger, sleep, and work weren't factored into our daily schedules. Here the world stops, for a small moment, as RJ listens, pretends to say words and eagerly turns the pages book after book.
Each night before bed our whole family of three cuddles as we read a story and say a family prayer. I love the routines and traditions we are starting, they make me forever grateful for families.

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