besides family, no one cares about people who blog. Unless you are a professional--like my sister in law, OR you are creative, hilarious and consistent--like my cousin. Since I am none of the above, I realize that this blog will be more of a scrapbook/journal for a select few. This is, simply, a place for me to tell the story of Chris and Hanna.

That being said, I will give some background. I started my first blog in college while Chris was on his mission. Now that we have been married for half a year, I decided it was time to make a new one that focuses more on our life together. (i may still use this to ramble about other things.) Chris and I met in High School. He randomly asked me to Prom in '06 and we became friends from there. Three Proms, one mission to Mexico for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and a few years at BYU later...we got married. You can read a longer version that Chris wrote below. And you can read the proposal story here.

This is Chris's version of the C&H story. He wrote this to be read at my bridal shower last May:
Disclaimer to all present: If desired, needed, or if time permitted I could, and would do so rather ecstatic, write an entire book concerning the C&H story. And if Hanna were to grow old, wrinkly, and forget everything, I would read it to her on a daily basis. Well, now that I have successfully started off with an analogy from the Notebook, I can continue.Twas the prom season of the blessed year of 2006. I was 16 going on 17 (fill in sound of music lyrics) and Hanna was 15, still illegal, yet knocking on 16's door and her eligibilty was looming. The Mormon crew was assembling and the time was coming to make a decision. Rumors were travelling that a certain someone would've been delighted to be escorted to prom by the dashing yet humble Chris Redfern, yea it wasnt Hanna. Actually she still wasn't quite sure i was sister Redfern's son, think the last name might've given it away. To not delay too much, the matter of the fact was that I didnt wan't to go with those who wanted to go with me, i wanted to go with the one I liked. So after an amazing idea by my mother and I (and by that i mean my mother), i successfully asked Hanna to prom, which, unbeknownst at the moment, would cause a chain reaction of events which have lead us to where we are today. But wait there is much more to tell. Time leading up before prom gave few instances for us to get to actually know eachother, because at this moment in time all i knew was she was gorgeous, good at soccer, and.. I did say beautiful right? I remember the first time i texted her.. i had her number for weeks but didnt have an excuse to use it until there was a party at the magleby's, so i offered a ride. Prom came and went and a friendship started (in Hanna's eyes) and a realization came to me. Man i liked this girl. Summer of 2006 is one to remember, seeing as i spent it's 3 months chasing this wonderful young Bennion girl trying to make her like me (which i didn't get! i was cool, funny, charming, and i was throwing all my best material at her! Yet Nothing) Oh the hours i spent in her backyard waiting for her to come outside. Playing with her brothers and checking the windows repeatedly. She would make sudden appearances, we'd have a short laugh, and would yet again disappear. I would beg for her to just tell me if she liked me or not, but there was a conflict of interests at the time. The summer had almost gone by and the ultimatum was set. Tell me now! (please). I wanted closure, i had been chasing her for a time and now another girl had told me she liked me yet my feelings were still with Hanna. I was expecting her to finally just get it over with and say NO. She didnt.
Jump forward. September 16th 2006. Root beer floats, playing a little pool at the Dahlin's, and watching the Notebook. As the night came to a close I stared into her eyes and smoothly let escape the predetermined words "Will you be my girlyfriend???". Yet again the answer was yes.
That year was filled with fun, games, movies, first kisses, Late night phone calls, annoyed younger sisters beginning to very much dislike this whole boyfriend thing, tears, fights, tahoe, falls elementary school, walks, sneaking out, trouble, more tears, football games, soccer games, texting, notes, yet another Prom, and one crucial night in April where Hanna, yes Hanna, whispered first. I love you. We were so excited to have finally said it we put rules on how often we could say it, and in what cirumstances. But time was running out, i was to go to college and she would stay home.
We were officially unofficially dating. Yet we spoke all the time, texted relentlessly as i spent my first semester playing basketball, video games, and realizing how much i missed Hanna. We couldnt take it any longer and on a Presidents day trip home on the 16th of February C&H were at it again. I mean dating.
School was over and i returned home for one last Prom, more time spent loving eachother, getting to know eachother, and preparing yet another goodbye. Our time was prolonged due to a bum ankle. Marriage had been brought up time and time again. Fantasies we played out the whole summer of our children and our future lives together, as two years seemed such a small time when one talked lovingly to another. At the moment there was nothing more real.
Here's all that matters about those two years. I left, came back, and she was not married, more than a man could have bargained for with such a dream girl at RM central for two years. But there was one thing, that she knows not yet. I had been in the MTC for maybe 3 weeks, and was sitting in the weekly devotional. It had been a long day, all day inside, and I couldn't get her off my mind, i wanted to be a good missionary, a GREAT missionary. I prayed that the Lord would give me strength to be focused and not worry. A small feeling came to me. If i were to work my whole mission, she would be there upon my return. No need to worry. She was.
I arrived and everything was perfect. Thanksgiving was bliss. December in Cali was wonderful. Everything was going according to plan. Two weeks before I went out to Utah my brother encouraged me that if you already knew you were going to bring a question to the Lord, why wait? So i didn't. The answer was there.
There were trials, tears, many prayers on both sides, and on the day least expected something happened. We were conversating, just normally, and like always, i was trying to get her to just be more open about the little things, as we continue to trust eachother more. So i asked if she had anything to say, she did. "i think if we're going to get married we should do it this summer" HALLELUJAH!!! Everything began to move at lightspeed. I enjoyed every moment! In less than a month the ring was on her finger.
Hanna means everything to me. She is my motivation to be a worthy priesthood holder. I love her more than anything and always will. She is my Jamie, my tinkerbell, my angel, my everything.
That year was filled with fun, games, movies, first kisses, Late night phone calls, annoyed younger sisters beginning to very much dislike this whole boyfriend thing, tears, fights, tahoe, falls elementary school, walks, sneaking out, trouble, more tears, football games, soccer games, texting, notes, yet another Prom, and one crucial night in April where Hanna, yes Hanna, whispered first. I love you. We were so excited to have finally said it we put rules on how often we could say it, and in what cirumstances. But time was running out, i was to go to college and she would stay home.
We were officially unofficially dating. Yet we spoke all the time, texted relentlessly as i spent my first semester playing basketball, video games, and realizing how much i missed Hanna. We couldnt take it any longer and on a Presidents day trip home on the 16th of February C&H were at it again. I mean dating.
School was over and i returned home for one last Prom, more time spent loving eachother, getting to know eachother, and preparing yet another goodbye. Our time was prolonged due to a bum ankle. Marriage had been brought up time and time again. Fantasies we played out the whole summer of our children and our future lives together, as two years seemed such a small time when one talked lovingly to another. At the moment there was nothing more real.
Here's all that matters about those two years. I left, came back, and she was not married, more than a man could have bargained for with such a dream girl at RM central for two years. But there was one thing, that she knows not yet. I had been in the MTC for maybe 3 weeks, and was sitting in the weekly devotional. It had been a long day, all day inside, and I couldn't get her off my mind, i wanted to be a good missionary, a GREAT missionary. I prayed that the Lord would give me strength to be focused and not worry. A small feeling came to me. If i were to work my whole mission, she would be there upon my return. No need to worry. She was.
I arrived and everything was perfect. Thanksgiving was bliss. December in Cali was wonderful. Everything was going according to plan. Two weeks before I went out to Utah my brother encouraged me that if you already knew you were going to bring a question to the Lord, why wait? So i didn't. The answer was there.
There were trials, tears, many prayers on both sides, and on the day least expected something happened. We were conversating, just normally, and like always, i was trying to get her to just be more open about the little things, as we continue to trust eachother more. So i asked if she had anything to say, she did. "i think if we're going to get married we should do it this summer" HALLELUJAH!!! Everything began to move at lightspeed. I enjoyed every moment! In less than a month the ring was on her finger.
Hanna means everything to me. She is my motivation to be a worthy priesthood holder. I love her more than anything and always will. She is my Jamie, my tinkerbell, my angel, my everything.

He's cute, right?
Baaahh this is so cute! Chris is an awesome story teller, too!