Sunday, July 8, 2012


Lately I have been thinking about how lucky I am to have so many sisters. Some people don't have any, but I grew up with three.
Me, Heidi, and Haley at the Zoo.  The only old pictures I have are before Heather's time.  There are plenty of pictures of the four of us back home--out of my reach. This will have to do. It's a shame, Heather was a darn cute baby.

Haley - 20
(far right with the guitar)
Haley is one of the most honest people I know. She has never been afraid to just be herself.  She knows who she is and she knows what she likes. She would never change any of that to please others or to "fit in." She also isn't afraid to tell you how she feels. I think she gets that from Grandma Jane ;).

Heidi - 19
(The one making the weird face)
What I love most about Heidi is her ability to have fun and enjoy life. She's kind of hilarious. And she always knows how to have a good time. She may seem quiet and shy at first, but really she is a total goofball.

Heather - 15.999
(the cutie in the white hoodie)
I don't think there are very many people who are sweeter than Heather. She is one of those people who will scratch your back or rub your feet and not expect you to do it in return. She is so kind and compassionate toward others, I am proud to call her my little sister.

Stay tuned for Sisters Part TWO


  1. I love Bennion women, and these are four of my VERY FAVORITES. Also--this.

  2. Ahh sisters are the greatest. Love your post! Will be missing y'all this week.
